Kanas Wheat at Sunset

Kanas Wheat at Sunset

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


OK lets get something straight I suck at couponing. I have tried several times to get into it and every time I fail to take them with me when shopping and using them before they expire. Also I am not a planner I hardly ever make a list to go to the store and when I do I deviate from it quite a bit. It works for me because I am just shopping for me but it does not work for my monthly budget.
So on that note I am turning over a new leaf and trying again to become a couponing master and save me some money when I do my shopping.
Here are a few sites and blogs  that I recently got involved with for online couponing:
3 boys and a dog
http://3boysandadog.com/deals/- So far this Lady is great. She has everything very organized and easy to navigate on her web page and she makes it easy to understand. The best part is she has a tab specifically for beginner couponers (like me) Where she explains how it is done and what are some of the best sites to get involved with.
Luv a Bargin
http://www.luvabargain.com/ -What is not to love about a site that is all about being a thrifty spender and teaching you how to coupon while giving you access to tons of coupons that are really easy to print off and go.

http://www.dillons.com/Pages/default.aspx - Okay I'm sure everyone knows something about Dillon's but here is something I just learned the other day. They have a website and if you become a free member you can print off coupons from them daily. Even better if you have a Dillon's plus card (which is also free) You can chose to have those same coupons loaded electronically to your card and then when you use it at the checkout it will ring up on the register as a valid coupon without having to carry all those clippings around.
And as a bonus you earn fuel points just by having the plus card. Whats great about Fuel points??? You save money on fuel for every point that you get each month.

Okay another thing that I'm obsessed with is the sites called Groupon and Deal Garden.com They are great deals. I have been able to get a haircut with all the works for $17 instead of the original price of $99. And the deals for restaurants are great I have gotten several date ideas from these two sites and been able to save alot of money as well.

Well wish me luck on my journey of becoming a couponing queen!

1 comment:

  1. That's so cool about Dillon's loading the coupons on the card!
