Today I got an email that was titled DIY Homemade Blush and I was dumbfounded after reading it, "who would have thought it was so easy to make blush" Well I haven't made it yet but I am going to as soon as I get my hands on some Red Dye and an empty compact case.

"This is a pretty neat DIY trick. It costs just a few cents (Literally, maybe 1?), and leaves a very smooth, even color that blends incredibly well."
DIY Blush
*Baby Powder (or make your own “baby powder” with 1/2 cup corn starch and 1/2 cup baking powder)
*Red Food Coloring
-1-2 drops for light pink
-3-4 drops for medium pink
-5-6 drops for red/dark pink
*Baby Powder (or make your own “baby powder” with 1/2 cup corn starch and 1/2 cup baking powder)
*Red Food Coloring
-1-2 drops for light pink
-3-4 drops for medium pink
-5-6 drops for red/dark pink
In a bowl, mix your desired amount of food coloring with 3 tablespoons of water. Next, squirt baby powder in, 1-2 teaspoons at a time, and mix until smooth. Continue to add baby powder until the consistency of the mix is almost that of a soft clay and it is no longer all together, but breaks up easily into several pieces. Now, using your fingers, pat the mixture into an empty make-up container (I had one already empty from an old blush) until filled.
If you feel creative, try mixing in a little yellow for a peachy color or a tiny bit of blue for a bit of a purple hue.To use: You can use it right away, but for best results, allow the mixture to air dry, then press a make-up sponge into the blush and apply to your cheekbones, blending with until smooth.
*Note: The color of the blush is MUCH darker wet than dry, so don’t be worried if it looks red when you mix it.
I think Im going to try this but make small batches at first to test out different color combinations to get the right color for my skin! Maybe even add a moisturizer to it to make it more creamy? It seems like alot of fun and not very hard at all!
And just think how much MONEY you could save.