(still working on that)
Monday night comes around and I'm all excited because I get to try a new dessert that I have never made before but I get this the inside scoop that its one of Ryan's favorite desserts so I really want to impress him with it. The famous dessert is known as "Pineapple upside down Cake"
What it is suppose to look like.
So while making it I'm feeling really good about it all the directions were pretty simple and it was tasting pretty good ( the batter i mean) And then I go to pour it in the pan which to me was big enough but to the cake batter it was not and I realized that this cake was going to be one puffy cake due the fact it ballooned up over the top of the cake pan the instant it hit the oven rack. So I waited the allotted hour it was to cook and kept checking it to see how it was doing and that it is when I noticed the sides of the cake were cooking way faster then the middle of the cake but again I was at a loss on how to fix it. So I let it bake till there was about 10-15 minutes left and poked a fork in it and it came out clean so I took it out of the oven.
Here is where my problems really began: The direction specifically say to flip the cake over immediately and get it out of the pan to let it cool on a serving tray.
Problem #1 I did not have a serving tray of any sort that was going to fit the length or width of the cake.
Problem #2 Cake was not flat on the top for me to flip it over. It really looked like a hill int he middle that gradually slopped down to burnt sides.
Problem #3 When Flipping the cake the cake did not like to stay put together and pieces stuck to the pan while the rest lay in a heap on the cutting board that I had made into a make shift serving platter.

(see that wierd middle chunk, that was the piece I tried to fit in there like a puzzle)
so at 9:00 at night I was feeling pretty discourage on the dessert adventure and I couldn't think of a single thing to do to make it look better.
This is where I am thankful I live in the 21st century where Dillon's stays open 24/7 and there are box desserts for everything.
I decided I would stick with the basics and make a simple batch of chocolate brownies and frosting. Well that ended up taking me till 12 am to get it bought, stirred up, and cooked. I wasn't about to try and ice it while it was hot, so I waited till this morning to ice it and stick it in the fridge to cool for the dinner tonight
Cross your fingers that it is edible.
Any one want some deformed Cake!!!