Kanas Wheat at Sunset

Kanas Wheat at Sunset

Friday, July 20, 2012

DIY for the Girls

This Blog Post is literally for the girls. I started following "One Good Thing by Jillee" her blog has somre really interesting posts and some great advice. click on the link to go directly to her site http://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/
Today I got an email that was titled DIY Homemade Blush and I was dumbfounded after reading it, "who would have thought it was so easy to make blush" Well I haven't made it yet but I am going to as soon as I get my hands on some Red Dye and an empty compact case.

"This is a pretty neat DIY trick. It costs just a few cents (Literally, maybe 1?), and leaves a very smooth, even color that blends incredibly well."
DIY Blush
*Baby Powder (or make your own “baby powder” with 1/2 cup corn starch and 1/2 cup baking powder)
*Red Food Coloring
-1-2 drops for light pink
-3-4 drops for medium pink
-5-6 drops for red/dark pink
In a bowl, mix your desired amount of food coloring with 3 tablespoons of water. Next, squirt baby powder in, 1-2 teaspoons at a time, and mix until smooth. Continue to add baby powder until the consistency of the mix is almost that of a soft clay and it is no longer all together, but breaks up easily into several pieces. Now, using your fingers, pat the mixture into an empty make-up container (I had one already empty from an old blush) until filled.
If you feel creative, try mixing in a little yellow for a peachy color or a tiny bit of blue for a bit of a purple hue.To use: You can use it right away, but for best results, allow the mixture to air dry, then press a make-up sponge into the blush and apply to your cheekbones, blending with until smooth.
*Note: The color of the blush is MUCH darker wet than dry, so don’t be worried if it looks red when you mix it.

I think Im going to try this but make small batches at first to test out different color combinations to get the right color for my skin! Maybe even add a moisturizer to it to make it more creamy?  It seems like alot of fun and not very hard at all!
And just think how much MONEY you could save.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Weekend Overview

Oh the joys of going back to work! Ok dont get me wrong I love my job and I am very thankful for it. But seriously who loves their job more then the weekend? If you can name one person please let me know and I will eat my words! :) I had an amazing weekend and I know this post is late I still want to talk about every single thing but I will contain myself to just the important things. Which was well everything in my opinion.

Friday night: Ryan and I had a great date night we went to see the new pixar movie Brave. It was well worth it, pixar has never disappointed me with a movie and I rather watch a disney or pixar movie any day then watch the ever popular movies that either make you feel gross afterwards, scared to walk outside, or just plain miffed on why they made the movie.  We then took a drive out to see the Shawnee County fishing lake and some houses that are for sale out in the country. It was really relaxing just driving around and listening to the night noises at the lake.

Saturday: we headed to Maple Hill for a company picnic for Bartlett and West, the engineering company ryan works for. The picnic was held at the Prairie Fire Lodge and Resort. And it was a resort This place was breathtaking.  http://www.prairiefirelodge.com/index.shtm and its right smack dab in the middle of kansas hidden away off on a dirt road but still close to a little town called Maple Hill. (you may know this town for their ever famous steak house "puffys Steakhouse" Had thier food at my sisters wedding and it was sooo good!)

We left their around 4:00 and decided to do some sight seeing and geocaching. I finally found my first Geocach! it was out by this gorgeous old stone church and cemetery. I was so excited that I found it that I made him take a picture to record it but sadly I dont have the picture to show you, (actually maybe thats a good thing!).

That evening we went to the dirt track races and watched some great races and even better people watching!

Whats up ahead: Next weekend Im heading out to the big town of Oakley Kansas to see Connie and Dennis who are like another set of grandparents to me! They mean alot and I haven't seen them since my college graduation. Also they have yet to meet the boyfriend and they keep asking about him. So im draggin him out to the middle of nowheresville to meet them and spend the weekend!

Friday, July 13, 2012


I decided that I would do a post each friday that states something I have done, will be doing, or what I want to do someday. Basically it will be a post for anything and everything! Hence "Randomness"

Hope you all can handle it!

First off It's Raining in Topeka... yes be jealous it has been raining a nice quiet rain all day and doesnt look to be letting up anytime soon!
I just want to skip work to go outside and run and play in the rain. Its that great of a feeling. Sadly I can not do it but I will get to walk in it to my car without an umbrella so that kind of makes up for it right?

Although today would not be the ideal day to ride in a Hot air ballon. I am still obsessed with them and a goal of mine is to take a ride in one. And possibly go to a big hot air ballon show somewhere in the states. To help me cope till I get my opportunity to full fill my dream I found this adorable "Hope Floats" necklace on veryjane.com

Hope Floats! Hot Air Balloon Pendant Necklace http://veryjane.com/Deal/957/hope-floats-hot-air-balloon-pendant-necklace
They are still on sale for $8.00 for another day, Don't miss your chance.

Remember how I said that I went to school in Oklahoma. Well one of my really close friends from down there is celebrating her birthday this weekend and I can not be there so I wanted to shout out a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Steffanie and to say thank you for all that you have done for me and helped me through this last year! Im greatfull I can call you a best friend! Love you!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Creative Cooking

Last night I decided I would try my hand at cooking for my Dad and Boyfriend. I Love to cook but hate cooking for myself so the only times I cook are when I am planning on having someone over.
So when my dad said he was going to be in town I jumped on the chance to finally cook for him in my apartment.
-Chicken in the Paula Deen Peach Salad Dressing- cooked on the Grill
- Rolls- greatest invention ever they are already cooked rolls you put some butter on them pop them in the oven for 5 mins. and you have some of the best tasting rolls.
- Corn on the Cob: cooked on the Grill
- Peaches on Personal Shortcakes with whip cream.

(Can you tell I am a bit obsessed with Peaches?)

I am not a fancy cook and I usually try to find the simplest way to do it but still taste cook. Oh and I like to experiment.
The Peach Salad dressing was something I had found at Wal-Mart and wanted to try because well it is made with Peaches. Verdict: not so good on Salads....Great on Grilled Chicken for a light fruity taste.

I was a bit worried that everything was either over cooked or under cooked and it would taste horrible but it all turned out fine (or at least i thought so) I didn't have any leftovers so that must mean the boys liked it...right?

Tip of the day: It's summer time which means Fresh produce everywhere you turn! The best part Farmers Markets. I am lucky to live in a city that supports a large farmers market twice a week. So if you are lucky enough to live in a town that supports Farmers Markets DO NOT take it for granted. Get out there and steal some deals on fresh produce and home baked goods.
The corn that I used I got from a family that was selling 6 ears for $2.50 and a dozen for $5.00
The peaches were a little bit more pricey $3.50 for 5 but they were so full of flavor and juicy that I really didn't mind.
(can you tell that I am bit obsessed with Farmers Markets as well)I love meeting the people and seeing where they have their farms or businesses located, more than likely they have days where you can go out and visit getting a tour and even being able to pick fruit, veggies, lavender, honey, etc.
I already have a list of places I want to go visit that are located around Topeka Kansas.

what are some other great items that you have gotten from Farmers Markets this summer?
Let me know if you have any great Corn recipes I still have 3 ears left!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


OK lets get something straight I suck at couponing. I have tried several times to get into it and every time I fail to take them with me when shopping and using them before they expire. Also I am not a planner I hardly ever make a list to go to the store and when I do I deviate from it quite a bit. It works for me because I am just shopping for me but it does not work for my monthly budget.
So on that note I am turning over a new leaf and trying again to become a couponing master and save me some money when I do my shopping.
Here are a few sites and blogs  that I recently got involved with for online couponing:
3 boys and a dog
http://3boysandadog.com/deals/- So far this Lady is great. She has everything very organized and easy to navigate on her web page and she makes it easy to understand. The best part is she has a tab specifically for beginner couponers (like me) Where she explains how it is done and what are some of the best sites to get involved with.
Luv a Bargin
http://www.luvabargain.com/ -What is not to love about a site that is all about being a thrifty spender and teaching you how to coupon while giving you access to tons of coupons that are really easy to print off and go.

http://www.dillons.com/Pages/default.aspx - Okay I'm sure everyone knows something about Dillon's but here is something I just learned the other day. They have a website and if you become a free member you can print off coupons from them daily. Even better if you have a Dillon's plus card (which is also free) You can chose to have those same coupons loaded electronically to your card and then when you use it at the checkout it will ring up on the register as a valid coupon without having to carry all those clippings around.
And as a bonus you earn fuel points just by having the plus card. Whats great about Fuel points??? You save money on fuel for every point that you get each month.

Okay another thing that I'm obsessed with is the sites called Groupon and Deal Garden.com They are great deals. I have been able to get a haircut with all the works for $17 instead of the original price of $99. And the deals for restaurants are great I have gotten several date ideas from these two sites and been able to save alot of money as well.

Well wish me luck on my journey of becoming a couponing queen!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Getting started

Im new at this Blogging thing and so I may not be very good at it but I have always been interested in them and figured why not try it. Hey if anyone else doesn't read it I can still look back on it as a memory holder for all the great times in my life!

Ok so the title is "A peek into Kansas life". Yep I live in Kansas and for the most part LOVE it! I tried the whole moving away thing when I went to college and even tho I didnt go very far (Oklahoma)  I was still homesick for my family and really just Kansas in general. And ever since I moved back It seems that my life has just been kind of falling into place instead of scrambling for all the pieces to fit together. Cross my fingers that it keeps on this track!

I moved to Topeka in mid February in a whirlwind for my job that I had just accepted. And wow has the time flown by... it is now July and I am ready to say that I finally feel settled into my apartment and job. I can also say that I just celebrated six months of dating with the greatest guy ever (Im sure you will hear more about him later)!

Well I guess thats about it for now I'll try and post again soon!
